A function used to calculate standardized Energy values in kcal
Development on 'ENERCKcal_standardised()' is completed, and has been superceeded by 'ENERCKcal_calculator()'. It is recommended to switch to 'ENERCKcal_calculator()'.
This function works as a basic calculator - The values for Total
Protein in grams 'PROTg'
, Total Fat in grams (ideally standardised)
, Available Carbohydrate in grams
, Fibre, Total Dietary in grams 'FIBTGg'
Alcohol in grams 'ALCg'
are combined to fins the Energy in kcal.
Alcohol is optional, whereas the other inputs are required - if Alcohol is
missing it is assumed to be 0.
Required - The Total Protein value (in grams) for the food item being examined.
- FATg_standardised
Required - The Total Fat value (in grams) for the food item being examined.
Required - The Total Available Carbohydrate value (in grams) for the food item being examined.
Required - The Total Dietary Fibre value (in grams) for the food item being examined.
- ALCg
Optional - The Total Alcohol value (in grams) for the food item being examined.
#Three examples will be covered - two variants for a one-off
#calculation, and to create a column with the calculated results.
#Single calculation:
#Bread, wheat, white, unfortified
Protein_value <- 7.5
Fat_value <- 1.3
Carb_value <- 50.5
Fibre_value <- 2.9
Alcohol_value <- 0
standardised_kcal <- ENERCKcal_standardised(PROT = Protein_value, FAT = Fat_value,
CHOAVLDF = Carb_value, FIBTG = Fibre_value, ALC = Alcohol_value)
standardised_kcal <- ENERCKcal_standardised(PROT = 7.5, FAT = 1.3,
CHOAVLDF = 50.5, FIBTG = 2.9, ALC = 0)
#data.frame calculation:
#First, an example dataframe is outlined and created -
test_df_WAFCT2019 <- data.frame(
c("Bread, wheat, white, unfortified",
"Beer, European (4.6% v/v alcohol)",
"Maize, yellow, meal, whole grains, unfortified",
"Sweet potato, yellow flesh, raw",
"Cassava, tuber, white flesh, raw"),
c(7.5, 0.3, 9.4, 1.5, 1.3),
c(1.3, 0, 3.7, 0.2, 0.3),
c(50.5, 3.7, 65.2, 25.5, 31.6),
c(2.9, 0, 9.4, 3, 3.7),
c(0, 3.6, 0, NA, 0))
#Then, the columns are renamed:
colnames(test_df_WAFCT2019) <- c("food_name", "protein", "fat", "carbs",
"fb", "alcohol")
#Once renamed, the function is applied. the assigned output is a new column
#in the data.frame, and the inputs are the different columns detailing the
#relevant food nutrient values.
test_df_WAFCT2019$ENERCKcal_stnd <- ENERCKcal_standardised(
#> food_name protein fat carbs fb alcohol
#> 1 Bread, wheat, white, unfortified 7.5 1.3 50.5 2.9 0.0
#> 2 Beer, European (4.6% v/v alcohol) 0.3 0.0 3.7 0.0 3.6
#> 3 Maize, yellow, meal, whole grains, unfortified 9.4 3.7 65.2 9.4 0.0
#> 4 Sweet potato, yellow flesh, raw 1.5 0.2 25.5 3.0 NA
#> 5 Cassava, tuber, white flesh, raw 1.3 0.3 31.6 3.7 0.0
#> ENERCKcal_stnd
#> 1 249.5
#> 2 41.2
#> 3 350.5
#> 4 115.8
#> 5 141.7